Lose Weight Then Keep It Off

the 'EAT HEALTHY' solution to weight loss

Why am I the right person to help you lose weight so you can look good and feel fantastic?

Alison LWho am I and what do I do?

Hi.  My name is Alison Sheldrick and I help women to lose weight, feel healthier, look good and feel a lot more confident. I am the creator of ‘Lose Weight Then Keep It Off’ – the ‘eat healthy’ weight loss solution.

I work with women who want to lose weight so they can look good, feel fantastic and really get what they want out of life.  Getting what they want means different things for different women.  It may be just a few pounds or several stone – whatever the issue, losing that weight and learning how to keep it off makes a huge difference to their lives.  As well as losing weight, the women I work with also want to find a programme that works for them long term, that fits with their family life and that helps them understand more about nutrition and health.  They want to forget about calories, points and the ‘you name it I’ve done it’ diet and learn the basic principles of nutrition so they can provide easy to prepare healthy meals for themselves and the whole family.

By following a proven formula women who yoyo constantly, self-sabotage, don’t know where to start or who are confused about why they can’t lose weight, even when they are ‘eating healthily’ and exercising more, can get some clarity and begin to get confident in themselves and in their ability to lose weight.

What makes my health formula different from other weight loss programmes?

My sole focus is helping my clients lose the weight they want and to give them the tools they need to develop a life they love whilst looking fantastic and feeling great.  I am a scientist by training and I have spent over 10 years now studying nutrition and the impact diet can have on health. We are all biochemically different and this needs to be recognised and tailored so that you get a plan that fits your needs.

I won’t make you do a ‘diet’ that you can’t fit into your lifestyle or make you count points or calories, make you spend hours in the gym or make you feel bad if you haven’t lost weight this week.  The whole formula is based on the science of weight loss and not on a ‘one size fits all’ basis.

As a result of following my health formula, not only do women lose weight, they may also experience increased energy, increased confidence, start to wear skirts and dresses again and find they can wear clothes that used to be too tight so were left at the back of the wardrobe.  They get control of their eating and their health and stop wasting time and money on programmes that don’t work and, instead, receive all the help and information they need to be successful at weight loss at last!

Why I love helping women to lose weight

I really need to tell you a bit about my background to explain this.  I started to study nutrition because I wanted to help others experience the transformation in health that I had experienced through changing my diet.  My GP was very helpful but couldn’t identify what was wrong.  All my blood tests were ‘normal’ and so I was declared fit and healthy. However, I knew differently and, by pure chance, I read an article on how food can make you sick in certain circumstances.  My mind then went into overdrive because I thought I ate healthily all the time.  Obviously not because within 3 days of changing my diet my energy levels soared by 80%!  This of course fascinated me and was the trigger for me to start learning more about nutrition and health.

What happened next was the result of three things:

Firstly, I had noticed that with my weight loss clients there were three possible outcomes after working with me.  About a third of people would go away and do really well and keep the weight off; a third of people would plateau for a while, put a bit on, lose a bit, but not make much progress; and another third would go back to their old habits and put the weight back on again.

Secondly, when I discovered a very effective weight loss management system tailored to each individual client using their blood test results, I thought this surely was the answer but, interestingly, there was still this rule of thirds once they had finished working with me.

Thirdly, I was in the unfortunate position of having my head ‘messed with’ by someone who owed me money.  This was very stressful and left me feeling tired, demotivated and lacking confidence in my ability to do anything at all and feeling overwhelmed with even the smallest of tasks.  My weight was increasing through all the stress and I was unable to lose the stone I needed to.  I couldn’t understand this because, after all, I should know how to do this and do it easily.  How had I got to this state in just a few months of ‘head messing’ as I call it?

I wanted an answer and started to carry out research based on what happened to me and what came out of that research was life changing for me.  I applied what I had found out to my own life and turned it around, becoming my former self again.  It didn’t take long either so I was able to reverse the effects of what was actually a very stressful time for me and turn it into something that was very positive in a matter of months.

And, the penny dropped – this was the missing link.  This was what about 60% of women need help with, not just what they eat.  What I realised was that the same things that happened to me are going on around us all of the time to varying and lesser or greater degrees and it is knowing this and how we deal with it that is important, not that is it happening.

So, I started to weave this new information into my weight loss programmes and, bingo! What I was teaching resonated with my clients and, combined with a healthy eating programme based on all the latest scientific research and know how about healthy eating and why the body stores fat, with the potential to be tailored for the individual biochemistry, Lose Weight Then Keep It Off was born.  I could use this health formula to make a much bigger difference to women and, hopefully, help them to understand that it actually isn’t their fault that they can’t lose weight.  Even more importantly, I could show them how to go about overcoming the barriers to weight loss they have probably been facing for many years.

The techniques I used to get my own weight and my life back on track are what you will learn when you join a Lose Weight Then Keep It Off Plan.  The reason I get out of bed in the morning is so that I can teach as many women as possible how to stop the ongoing pain and misery of feeling tired, overwhelmed and out of control with their weight and their life, just like I did, and get the life and the health they truly deserve.

To find out more about Lose Weight Then Keep It Off head to the Getting Started page to see which Plan fits YOU best.

If you would prefer to speak with someone, please contact us and we will be in touch.

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