Lose Weight Then Keep It Off

the 'EAT HEALTHY' solution to weight loss

Alison Sheldrick and Nutritional Health Solutions do not claim to diagnose or treat health conditions.  The focus is on optimising diet and lifestyle to support each person’s individuality and promote wellbeing.  The success stories below are in no doubt due to the dedication my clients have shown in adapting their diet and lifestyle and, as a result, they have reaped their reward of wellness.  I would like to thank each and every one of them for their kind words and I wish them all good health for the future.

If you have a medical condition, always consult a qualified medical doctor.

Lisa – “I lost 22 pounds in six weeks”

Lisa photo after‘I probably had every excuse up my sleeve not to change my eating habits (working & commuting, recovering from injury, being surrounded by food at work and cricket teas, being “addicted” to crisps, not having much time to cook, I can’t exercise much, I got hungry mid morning, having to feed a family too etc.)  I’m sure you’ve heard them all.’

‘When I put down a target weight loss of 3 stones I was thinking that this was some unachievable pipe dream, but now I’m actually halfway there already (in my first weigh in on that day I was 80.2kg, I’m now 69.9kg or 10kg/22lbs lighter) and although I know I’ve got a way to go & won’t lose weight as quickly from now on it certainly is well within my grasp.  Amazing!’

I have also noticed I sleep better, have softer skin and brighter eyes, my mood has improved and as an extra bonus, I am saving £20 a week on my shopping bill!

Lisa Cave, Hertford


Claire – “I lost one and three quarter stone in three months”

Claire Freman image small“I had never been overweight before, and I was struggling to get the will to lose weight and stay away from cakes/biscuits. My main visible problem was bloating and a lot of gas out of control! I had tried before to exclude some foods from my diet and gave up as doctor’s would not recommend anything and mainstream books on the subject were confusing so it was difficult to know how far to go on excluding some foods.

I have no regrets about investing in myself and starting this Plan. I really enjoyed learning the science of nutrition and being able to discuss “public information” on nutrition with a nutritionist is very valuable and helped me to have some direction. Overall it has been easier than I thought and the fact that I had a “normal meal” for breakfast made the transition much easier. I was amazed by the cravings control that the program brings.

Overall my health has improved and I am nearly a “normal” weight now after losing 1 and 3/4 stone in three months. I have better health (gas free, better skin, still off my antidepressants), more energy, I am slimmer and employing better eating principles and drinking more water. I now have much better control of my health and eating.”

Claire Fremann, Royston


Nicky – “Healthy family meals were a priority”

Nicky small image“I was keen to find a healthier way of eating because I was in a spiral of sugar addiction which gave me chronic headaches and then I would comfort feed the headaches. Gradually I had put on a few extra pounds and as I approach my late 40s I was keen to get on top of my weight gain. At the same time my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and so it became a priority for me to ensure the whole family eats more healthily.

After speaking with Alison I felt she was a credible nutritionist and knew that the programme would work, if only I could stick to it … I never had any doubts she could help me.

I found the programme empowering; after a couple of days of withdrawal from coffee symptoms, I felt absolutely great, lost a few excess pounds, full of energy and, most importantly, in control.

The best results so far have been understanding HOW to eat healthily, seeing what foods do not agree with me and being in control of what I eat.”

Nicky Goodyear, Hertford


Fiona – “I now have a healthy BMI”

Fiona Bisset“Before I started the Plan, I had an unhealthy BMI which I wanted to lower. Following 30+ years of a lot of dieting, I wanted to try something different but I was concerned that this would be yet another short-term fix.

At times it has been a struggle but the Plan wasn’t difficult to follow. Alison couldn’t have helped me more. The best bit for me is that I now have a healthy BMI.”

Fiona Bisset, Hertford


Yve – “Having tried endless diets without consistent results, the Plan did seem too easy”

“Before I worked with Alison I felt bloated, lethargic and disappointed that, despite what I considered to be a good diet and exercise routine, I was still overweight and not a good body shape.  Having tried endless diets without consistent results, the plan did seem too easy.

The best bits for me have been the consistency of weight loss and my increased energy levels. I still find it difficult to get my head round the results!”

Yve Rule, Welwyn Garden City


Lia – “I lost more weight than I expected – nearly 9 pounds!”

Lia“Before working with Alison I felt tired, a bit stressed, and dissatisfied with the way I looked.

The programme was very easy to follow.  I did not feel like I was on a diet and never felt hungry. I also stopped feeling tired all the time, and generally slept better. Oh, and I managed to lose more weight than I expected – nearly 9 pounds in the first 10 days! I felt supported throughout.”

Lia Parkinson


Vivienne – “I feel so much thinner and better about myself”

Vnne 2“Before working with Alison, I was uncomfortable and miserable with being overweight and not being able to fit into my clothes.  Two thirds of my wardrobe was full of clothes that I liked but could no longer wear due to carrying too much weight.

Previous weight loss programmes had always resulted in a plateau after losing about 11lbs in weight and so I would walk away disgruntled. I was sceptical that a nutritional programme would result in weight loss.  I had been ‘conditioned’ to believe that only specific weight loss programmes would work – yet knew they didn’t.

I did struggle initially and was impatient to get some weight off.  There is a lot to take in and put in to practice and it needs commitment and a will to succeed. It has been interesting and intriguing cooking differently and seeing how my shopping habits have changed and watching my shape change.  The support from Alison has been paramount, but the group support is also important.

The best things have been seeing myself in a full length mirror wearing the new dress that I had recently purchased specifically to wear for the new me.  I can’t remember the last time I wore anything that was just below the knees and not full length or trousers. I feel so much thinner and better about myself, am no longer miserable and uncomfortable and I have made a couple of new friends.”

Vivienne Ellis-Spencer


Hary – “It has been a revelation!”

Hary L“Having put on a lot weight after my second child I joined a slimming group and lost nearly 3 stone. However it has slowly crept on in the past three years. I returned to the group but it had stopped working for me – I felt I needed a new approach, not only to the way I ate but also to my attitude to food.

I didn’t have any reservations about working with Alison. Having spoken to her relating to a bout of illness I could tell that she was highly experienced, knowledgeable and sympathetic to how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off.

Alison’s Formula has been a revelation. The initial work addressed my issues with overeating. The food section taught me what to eat (and not to eat) and when.  Because it was so different to anything I had ever followed before it was a little tricky getting to grips with the concept, however once it clicked it’s been easy – as long I stick to the Formula it can easily be adapted to everyday life.

Since starting Alison’s Formula, I’ve lost 10lbs. I’ve regained my confidence and I feel I have the tools to cope with my issues with over eating. Meeting and getting to know the ladies in the group has also been great fun! Alison is also a great team leader with loads of enthusiasm which in turn inspires me every time we have a meeting!”

Hary Kyriacou


Karen – “I am looking forward to my next dress size reduction!”

Karen Ward“I had been overweight for some time & kept trying to do different diets and not being able to keep to them or lose much weight. Any that I lost I put back on again. I had also had a couple of operations and was recovering from a broken leg so following a diet seemed harder.

I was concerned about paying out more money and not succeeding so ‘wasting’ my money and unsure what I would be letting myself in for….. Would I have to buy and take supplements? Would I have to starve myself? Would I get embarrassed? Would my intolerance to wheat and lack of a gall bladder affect my weight loss?

At first I didn’t really get it, as there was no mention of what foods to eat or not to eat. I understood I had to learn and change but it seemed weird not talking about food straight away! Once I started to learn some of the principles something clicked and I’ve found it easy (dare I say!). I don’t count calories; I don’t weigh anything (unless I’m making a recipe). Best of all I don’t feel hungry. Once that something clicked the weight started to come off. I am now a dress size lower and looking forward to my next dress size reduction!

The best things for me have been fitting into clothes that had got too small, feeling nice in them again, and feeling in control of my weight.”

Thank you

Karen Ward, Travel Counsellor


Vicky – “my long term problems disappeared within days”

“I had a consultation with Alison and even though I had what I thought was a healthy diet, Alison pointed out the impact some of my eating habits were having, and with a few changes I was amazed that my long term problems disappeared within days.

I was under an enormous amount of stress that I wasn’t coping at all well with and I’d suffered debilitating PMS for well over two decades, and while I can’t say this has disappeared completely it’s at a manageable level (and I’ve not yet completed the programme).

I also not only dropped a dress size in 3 weeks, but have so much more energy that I can enjoy going to the gym and get far more from exercising, I look better than I did years ago and can’t help thinking if I look this well on the outside how well I must be on the inside?

With the guidance & knowledge Alison has given me I now have an eating guide that is simple to stick to and will be with me for life. Alison’s knowledge is incredible an