Lose Weight Then Keep It Off

the 'EAT HEALTHY' solution to weight loss

I need a bit more help…

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“I have been yoyo dieting for a few years now.  I can lose weight if I try really hard but it always comes back again no matter what I do.  I have completely lost confidence in me and my ability to lose weight and feel that all this yo-yoing has messed with my metabolism so that I will never get to be a healthy weight.  I am worried about what being overweight will do to my health long term and I need to sort this now!”

You have tried all the group weight loss sessions without success and are fed up with the impersonalised way you were treated.  You are not a great fan of exercise although you might feel differently if you could shift some of this weight.  Your energy levels may be low and you would love to look good, feel better and feel comfortable in your clothes.  You really want to lose weight but feel you need some additional support along the way.

Where you are at

You are (probably) in your late thirties to early fifties and feel you have let yourself go.  Over the last few years, you have made repeated efforts to lose the weight but have been unable to keep it off.  You try the latest ‘diet’ which may have worked for a while but the weight just goes back on again when you go back to eating ‘normally’.  You do try very hard but there is always something that gets in your way and you find you self-sabotage your efforts, even when things are going well.

Your lack of success makes you think that you will never be slim again but you think that there surely must be a way and that you haven’t yet found it.  You don’t feel you overeat and so you really can’t understand why you aren’t losing weight and would like to understand why this is.  You hate wearing the baggy black clothes you have resorted to in order to cover your shape and would love to be able to drop a couple of dress sizes so you can wear the clothes you love with confidence.

What your issues tend to be

You have been yo-yo dieting for so long now, you are confused about what to eat and what is healthy or not.  You try to eat healthily but that doesn’t work and you really don’t enjoy exercise.  You would like some solid advice about how to change your eating habits so that you can persuade your body to use fat rather than store it but this needs to fit in around work and family life.  To start out again on a weight loss programme on your own is daunting and you really don’t want to try something new and fail yet again. You are feeling more tired than usual and lack to time to work out what to do by yourself.

What you need help with

Firstly, you would like to find out how to eat healthily so you can start to lose weight and feel more energised.  You would like to follow a proven plan giving details about which foods to choose and incorporating easy to follow recipes.  However, you have been at the start of a plan before and want to be sure you can keep to it long term so that you can lose the weight then keep it off and so would like a more personalised approach with your programme.  You may have other health issues that need addressing and would like these taken into consideration along with your weight loss goals.  Most of all, you would like to find out what it is about your metabolism that is stopping you from losing weight and to learn how to address this so that you can lose weight consistently and easily.

You are really motivated to get going but know that your enthusiasm can wane after a few months and so would like some extra support to help you through the plateaus that can hinder progress and you would like to be weighed in private.  Having someone to be accountable to would help you loads and you would appreciate some dedicated face to face time with Alison along with weekly contact to get that extra bit of help so you can keep on track and motivated to looking good and feeling great again.

The programme that would suit you the best is the Diamond Plan

The Diamond Plan is specifically designed for you if you have two to five stone to lose and you are keen to stop yo-yoing.  This is the most exclusive of the Lose Weight Then Keep It Off Plans and is designed to make sure you lose the weight you want and keep it off for good.  This isn’t for the faint hearted – you will get all the support you need but you do have to be committed to your goal long term and take action so that you can create the body you want and be able to wear the clothes you love with confidence.

The Diamond Plan gives you a step by step plan so that you develop the belief in yourself to lose this weight for good.  It will mean changing your eating habits and your lifestyle and the way you think about yourself so don’t attempt this unless you are super motivated to take action. You will learn all about your metabolism and how to make sure it stops storing fat and instead, uses it to make energy and, wrapped up in all of this you will learn how to make healthy choices whether eating out, on holiday or over Christmas, whatever the situation, and you want to be sure your family are eating healthily too.

Typically, the Diamond Plan enables participants to lose two to four stone in twelve months.  Other benefits reported include improved energy, sleep and mood, relief from headaches, joint pains, bloating and digestive discomfort.  Sugar cravings typically disappear and participants may feel more confident and in control of their health and their eating.

To find out more about the Diamond Plan please complete the contact form below and we will be in touch to answer your questions.


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