Lose Weight Then Keep It Off

the 'EAT HEALTHY' solution to weight loss

I want to kick start my weight loss!

Kick Start My Weight Loss

“I feel fine but I want to lose some weight so I can look better and feel good about myself. I don’t want to go on a ‘diet’ but I do want to be able to learn about what to eat so that once I lose the weight, it stays off.  If I don’t do something soon I am just going to get bigger and bigger.”

You are generally fit and well and probably have up to a stone to lose.  Your clothes are getting tight and you don’t feel so great in them now, and you really don’t want to go to the next size up.  You have exercised more and tried eating healthily but those extra few pounds, annoyingly, don’t seem to want to budge.

You have the determination and the motivation to do this so all you need is a step by step proven plan to shed those pounds and get back into your skinny jeans again.

Kick Start my weight loss

I want to bounce back!


Small image for web - while lady

“I have been overweight for a few years now and I really don’t feel great.  I am fed up with the ‘you name it I’ve done it’ diet – none of them have worked!  I can lose a stone but then put it all back on again far too quickly.  I want something that is different, that treats me as an individual, and that teaches me not only how to lose weight, but also how to keep it off for good too.”

You used to be fit, healthy and slim but perhaps work got in the way, or you had a lot of stress in your life or kids came along and you never managed to find the time to do the exercise to get back into shape. Just lately, your energy levels have been low and you may be experiencing minor health issues that you would really like to get cleared up.

You really want to lose the weight but you feel you need some hand holding and someone helping you along the way.  You are worried because it might mean making too many changes or that if you start yet another plan, it will fail too.

I want to bounce back 

I need more help!


Small image for web - black lady“I have been yoyo dieting for a few years now.  I can lose weight if I try really hard but it always comes back again no matter what I do.  I have completely lost confidence in me and my ability to lose weight and feel that all this yo-yoing has messed with my metabolism so that I will never get to be a healthy weight.  I am worried about what being overweight will do to my health long term and I need to sort this now!”

You have tried all the group weight loss sessions without success and are fed up with the impersonalised way you were treated.  You are not a great fan of exercise although you might feel differently if you could shift some of this weight.  Your energy levels may be low and you would love to look good, feel better and feel comfortable in your clothes.  You really want to lose weight but feel you need some additional support along the way.

It would be really great if you could find a proven step by step plan to keep you accountable and help you lose weight and then keep it off.

I need more help